Tuesday, 31 March 2009

saya sayang awak

salam wbt..

awak sayang dia tak?
*sayang la..tak kan x sayang pulak.
abis tu kenapa xpenah tegur?
*cakap mudah la.nak buat tu bukan senang..
awak tu lelaki..bukan perempuan.kan kuat semangat.apa yg susahnya?
*nak tegur perempuan is lot easier than nak tegur kawan sendiri la..kalau setakat kawan je..mungkin senang..tp ni kawan baik.
selama ni xpernah langsung cuba?
*ada sekali.lepas tu dia sedar la sekejap.then buat balik..mcm xde kesedaran langsung je.sedey btul.
agak2 kenapa jadi mcm tu?
*tak tahu lah..mungkin pembawaan diri yg salah..then tak ada sapa yg penah nak tegur.ke saya yg xpernak tunjuk teladan yg elok??erk
jgn lah salahkan diri sendiri pulak.doa lah byk2..iA..Allah tu Maha Pemurah..jgn sekali2 putus ada dgn rahmatNya..ok?
*owh baik..iA..i will('',)

bagi saya..adalah satu kesalahan jika seseorg lelaki keluar bersama2 perempuan..baik berdua ataupun berkumpulan..its totally wrong by any mean ok..tambah2 kalu nak bersuka ria dgn kata lain 'party' *sigh*

i have no intention what so ever utk membantai mana2 pihak ya..ini cuma luahan rasa..hahaha

bercinta??im against it..biar la apa pun..malas nak fikir..
at least for me..its wrong....kenapa?ask me later or find it urself

ya Allah..bukakan lah pintu hati sahabat ku itu..ameen.

salam wbt

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

tramco bla bla bla


hmm..aku bukan la golongan yg suka nak bercerita2 ni..tp ni nak kena cerita jugak..haha
khamis lepas..aku g cairo la kan..pegi khamis,balik jumaat..cepat gile kan..ye la..ada kenduri abg kesayangan weh kat alex ni.haha..so cam biasa pegi balik naik tramco..4 those yg x tahu..tramco ni van la..dulu vannya kecik2..tp skng dah besar dah..
masa nak balik ni..ditakdirkan la..aku kena duk depan..aduii..sabaje lah..dah la sbelah drebar..xleh nak sandar pulak tu..haha..ujian2..xpe la..janji boleh balik awal..
so bermula la perjalanan itu..drebar ni pasal lagu arb die punya la kuat..seb baik la sedap..then tbe2..stop..tgk2 mp3 player dia cam tercabut..haaa..mula la episod itam aku.haha..kononya..dia kata aku salah pulak..sbb kaki aku gerak2..so terkena mp3 dia.siot betul lah..so start dr situ..aku xleh gerak kaki aku..arghh..bodo lah.
kemudian bermula la episod berani mati si drebar ni..fyi..jumaat kat mesir ni cuti..so jln pun lengang..dia punya pecut..hai..aku ngn dia la kot tahu(of course Allah tahu kan)..yg lain tdo..haha..140 km per hour..hahaha..aku mmg ske pun naik kete laju2 ni..tp sbb arb yg bw aku cuak2 la sket kan..
aku pun lalok2..then terlelap..sambil terhangguk2 sbb xleh sandar(jeles btul ngn pok dil n the gang,diorg leh sandar sbb duk kerusi blakang..haha).ttbe BOOM..hah..apadia2????haiya..tayar meletup maa..hahah..action pack btul laa..sbb baik x accident je..lepas benti kat tepi..
aku pun g la tgk..bapak laa..terkoyak kaw2 tayar tuh..(dlm ati..padan muka ko drebar..hahaha).
so lepas dia da pasang smula tayar..dgn bantuan geng2 tramco die yg turut benhenti melihat kejadian(Pak arb mmg la camni..pantang ada benda sket jd tengah jln..mesti benti nak tgk..hish)..
thn..dah siap sume..ape lagi fast n furious la semula..yehaa..140 kembali..dgn skil mencilok yg xleh blah..aku menyenget je keje..haha..sbb laju sgt..tup2..dreba ni bw slow pulak..80 kmj je..ada la dkt2 20 min...ni ape hal ni weii...aku nak sampai cepat ni..tunggu punya tunggu..oho..ada road block rupanya..pandai dia ni..baru aku tringat..dia ada call someone sblm tu..tp cam biasa la aku xpaham sepatah haram pun..maybe kawan2 dia dah inform dia la..pandai2..sejam pastu..aku pun sampai alx..alhamdulillah..lepas dah kuar..pok dil pun kata..

"gile la dok blakang tu..xsedap langsung..sakit belakng laa..asyik melompat je keje"

dlm hati aku..oo ye ke..haha..

p/s kpd sape yg nak naik tramco pasni..pastikan..jgn pilih kerusi depan n blakang skali..highly dengerous..dok tgh2 la..the best =)

Thursday, 12 March 2009



have you ever ask Allah something,

and He grants it straight away???

it happened to me..

im speechless..alhamdulillah

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

education anybody???


yay..after 1 month..its finally over..haha..laughing out loud..penat duh.seriously.

education in egypt..serius huh??
(its not pathetic to go to egytian culture class afterall..haha)

1.let me tell you..it is written in the egyptian constitution that all level of education is free,whether primary,secondary or higher education level.cool huh?even in malaysia..education is not for free.duit..duit..

2.so,if im an egyptian boy,supposedly im goin' to enter the university rite?haha..not that easy though.to enter a medical school here..u need to score 98 and above in the exam which equivalent to SPM(biar btul ko din??mmg la..aku x tipu)..those who studying medicine right now..trust me..they are the creme de la creme..

3.egytian student only pay LE500 a year whereas we(malaysian students) pay $8000 a year..it is equivalent to LE40000..up till now,i still dont understand..why on earth..the admin really wants malaysian students to study here..hahaha...cant be more cynical than this..

4.dont you think it's a wise thing to do as to provide free education to your people..yeah..its a very nobel thing to do if you are capable of doing so..the present egyptian government..under the leadership of you know who..they dont have enough recources to do so..

5.there are still many poor people out there..and i frankly think that they should care more about this people rather than giving already rich people free education..

6.egypt got its independence from british in the year 1953 while malaysia declared its independence in 1957. You know who and tun mahathir became the premiere in 1980 and now..tun M has stepped down but you know who is still in power..our economy florishes but theirs not..what a shame..haha

7.malaysian education system is not that bad..at least from the economical point of view..they only provide free primary and secondary education..for me..this is a very good move..susah la nak support sume weh..

8.dulu2 my mom always said..din..simpan duit..nanti senang nak masuk universiti..kita bukan org kaya..ye mak..you're right.even my mom knows that going into university need lots of money..nothing is free..

9.can we do something about the situation here in egypt??nah..i dont think so.it is the egyption constitution we are talking about..hmm..be the presindent..then u can have a say on this..hahaha

tq for reading..have a nice day
