Tuesday, 30 December 2008

stop it

salam wbt..
by the time i wrote this,over 360 palestinians had been killed by the israelis..damn it..nothing i can do except make a prayer to them =(

3 things doc zain said about helping the palestinian..
1.spread the awareness on the issue concerning al Aqsa.
2.donate money to them
3.muqataah(boycott) israel goods.

last night..i had the desire to eat something from Hardess..mkn burger la weh..suddenly..the image of palestinian laying dead on the ground popped up on my mind..it made me really sick..sial israel..then, since Hardess is on of american company,the desire just stop there..alhamdulillah

oh ALLAH..give me strength to neglect all this israel things..since that is the only thing i can do at the moment

din:ni israel serang palestin ni..ramai dah mati
siti mariam:itu lah pasal..sakit ati tol tgk.
din:weh..jom la boycott barang2 israel..
siti mariam:haa.jom2.skng ni dok berusaha memboikot la nih.
"kita xkan mati kalu kite boycott,tp mereka(org2 palestin) akan mati kalu kita x boycott"

Wednesday, 17 December 2008


salam wbt…
hmm..susah sungguh la nak update blog ni selalu2..aku bz??ya la..dah name pun budak medic(common phrase by all medical students)..tp sbnarnya xde la sibuk mane pun..haha..ok2..kali ni im going to share my disappointment over the eid holiday..
kenapa nak keciwa pulak..raya kan??hmmm..pjg kisahnya..
sbln sblm raya..my housemates pun bercerita..
“din,kita g turki jom..murah je..alang2 duit byk nih”
“X pun kita g france ke..tiket murah je”
Jadi..hati aku pun berbunga2..oh yeah..finally I’ll go somewhere after 3 yrs lepak kat mesir nih..mane x nya..sblm ni duit ciputttt btul..but Alhamdulillah..april lepas dato’ noh omar came
here announcing the newly revised allowance..100 percent naik..=)
Skali visa aku mati pulak dah..xguna btul..so klu nak kuar kena gamble la.bila dah kuar,nak masuk mesir balik..kena byr LE 150 bodo2 je..hish..so, hajat aku pun mati kat situ..
3 days before the start of the holiday..suddenly a good news came..visa dah dpt..pulak dah..by the time dapat visa tuh..travel agent pun dah tutup sume offer2 yg ada..tiket pun sure la dah habis..dengan aku yg x plan ape2..
Frust gila duh..xpe la xde rezeki..kumpul la duit lagi..haha..bila dah abis cuti maka kedengaran lah cerita mereka2 yg kuar dr mesir berjalan2..aduh..sedey btul laa
Byk tempat jugak diorg2 ni jln..some of them….
‘’Amsterdam,Paris,Rome,Valencia,Jordan,lubnan,Syria,germany,Switzerland,rep. chezch,Madrid’’
Hebat nya diorg nih..seriously..tabik la korg..xpe2..my time will come..inshaALLAH..korg dah g sane bgus jugak..boleh aku amik nasihat..haha..nak sedapkan hati je sbnarnya..
Overall..i still had a good time over the holiday.lapah lembu..lapah kambing..lapah khoruf…pastu mkn mkn mkn..haha..best jugak..alhamdulillah..xde la buang masa je..thats all..
Have a nice day =)